Export/Playback of multiple video
(too old to reply)
2007-03-02 15:27:19 UTC
I've captured 3 videos from seperate cameras all filming at the same
time (taken from a Sony DV Cam).
How can I export the 3 files and view them so they all stay in sync?
I've heard you can do this is H.264 (Mpeg-4) but I've no idea how to
do it.
Would I be able to export all 3 then play them with 3rd party software
and keeop them all synced together?
Running a Dell Precision 670 with Prem Pro 1.5

Cheers for any help on this.
2007-03-03 14:35:35 UTC
Post by K***@gmail.com
Running a Dell Precision 670 with Prem Pro 1.5
Cheers for any help on this.
If you upgrade to Prem Pro 2.0 you will have multi-camera support and
can work with all 3 camera's footage in sync.
Otherwise you have to put all three tracks on top of each other and
use the window sizing option to temporarily make all three small
enough to fit in one window. After your done editing you can return
them to there full size. You can also turn the visibility of 3 tracks
on and off while editing and just cut away the angles you don't want.