Prob: Premiere Pro 1.5 won't play nor export audio
(too old to reply)
2006-09-07 02:10:19 UTC
Well, the subject says it all... I'll be more specific... but I really
need help :S, I was editing some videos, just dragging them to the time
line, adding background music, etc... suddenly WOOP! I could not play
cuz it would just not do it. I said... what a... ok nvm, I can at least
finish the video. I had exported it many times already in many formats
to try it out. Now I export it in MOV, mpeg4 cod... WOOP! no sound.
Normal MOV? WOOP! Sometimes Premiere even crashes when I start it and I
click on the timeline to change the current position...

Ok so this is wierd, and i've been watchin on ggroups and ppl had this
problem but with other cars, I've got nVidia (GeForce FX 5200) , and
just in case I've even updated them to the latest version, still the
prob wasn't fixed. Uninstalled and installed again? Tried, didn't
change nothing... Suddenly it's useless with all of my finished,
current and even new projects :S... anyone could help me out? Really,
I've looked everywhere :S... (I've even tried to do the Adobe Pro patch
thingy, update it to 1.5.1) - damn, what's with this?

Note: Audio card is Creative SB Audigy 2 ZS - but I don't think this is
doing anything :S... thx ppl... have a nice day
2006-09-07 02:28:38 UTC
Actually, now that i've been playing with audio configs... well...
every time I play it or... give Premiere a chance to play a sound, it
crashes... hm... still I can hear the preview when I see the project's
library... and in one of those configurations made Premiere play a
short sound before crashing... the "crashing" window says always the
same: "Sorry, a serious error has occurred that requires Adobe Premiere
Pro to shut down. We will attempt to save your current project." Dunno
if it saves or not, I can't get to edit anything so no changes are made
xD. I've got a 5.1 speakers system and Premiere detected that... can it
be, maybe? Dunno :S... plz help me :S :S :S thx...........
