default sequences
(too old to reply)
2005-11-18 13:12:49 UTC
I have a project with 10 seperate sequences.

When I start PPro, only 6 sequences are "loaded" above the timeline.

Is there a way to choose which sequences will appear there when PPro starts?

2005-11-18 14:04:47 UTC
Robert, Open all 10 Sequences in PPro and save and close the project. Next time you open the project all 10 Sequences will be open for you.

If you have 9 Sequences open when you close the project, 9 Sequences will be loaded when you open the project next time, etc, etc.

2005-11-19 12:19:16 UTC
Thanks for your response.

But is there any way to only have certain sequences appear above the timeline when I start the program??

The ones that are there when I close the program are not the same ones that appear when I restart it.
2005-11-19 12:37:07 UTC
The timeline should look the same when you open it as it did when you closed it, as long as you've saved the timeline before closing. If you are saying it doesn't ... this is a problem, not a feature of Premiere. The timeline is the 'document' you are producing, and does not change between work sessions as long as you saved.

2005-11-19 15:15:03 UTC
The timeline contents don't change, but the sequence tabs that are available above the timeline are not the same ones I had there when I closed the program.

so each time I restart the program, I have to look in a bin and select the sequence I want to work on.

I have older versions of the sequences in the bins as well, and these older versions are sometimes the ones that are available as tabs when I start the program.
Craig Howard
2005-11-19 20:19:34 UTC
Are the old sequences named differently to the new sequences ?

As the other say. Prem Pro should open in exactly the state that you saved it and closed it.
2005-11-20 12:33:17 UTC
Yes, I would build a sequence, then at some point I would duplicate and rename - to preserve the original sequence and have a second sequence that I can further develop.

I've tried opening all the sequences I want to work on and closing the others, then saving.

But when I restart, there are various sequences tabbed above the timeline, but not the ones I had there when I closed.
2005-11-21 12:29:28 UTC
Robert, PPro stores the list of sequences (and just about everything else) in XML formatted database files. Based on what you've said so far, I'd guess that the names of your sequences are causing problems with the XML parser when PPro opens, especially if all you did was move old sequences into an "old file" folder without actually changing the name. What that means to you is - delete the old sequences or rename name so that they can't be confused with the good ones. See if that helps. I have never experienced what do describe.

It's like naming all your children "Bill" and wondering why they get confused when you call them for dinner.
2005-11-21 14:34:01 UTC
I renamed the duplicated sequences when I created them, so that's not the problem.

Could it have anything to do with my computer's temp file? I erase it often.