Video Out of Sync
(too old to reply)
2005-11-22 19:48:37 UTC
Does any one know why when you capture video in longer batches (45 min. to 1 hr.) the audio and video sync drift?
Craig Howard
2005-11-22 20:33:56 UTC
My system doesnt do that so you will have to supply us with more info.
2005-11-22 20:42:53 UTC
There isn't much more to say...I've found it happening with both PPro users and FCP users. In trying to capture (all at once) video and audio that runs long, the sync starts to drift about 25 minutes in when viewing the captured clip.

I realize that capturing in shorter lengths is the way to work, but is there a hardware or software reason why the sync would drift?
2005-11-22 23:38:59 UTC
Depending on how your NLE software handles audio, in some cases minor differences between the reported and actual audio sampling frequency has been known to cause sync issues with very long clips. For example, Canon XL1 (if memory serves correctly) differed slightly from 48k and caused timeline grief as a result with older versions of Premiere when captured using certain proprietary systems.

Just one possible explanation.
