Time-Lapse using digital photos...movie is jumpy
(too old to reply)
2006-04-14 18:56:24 UTC
Saw a great lecture yesterday using digital images for TS movies. So,
today I took 150 shots, with 3 second intervals of clouds. I imported
them, checking off Numbered Stills" so Premiere grabbed all 150

Fine, no problem.

But, when I play it back, it seems very jumpy...it's not very smooth
and it appears to skip frames I know are there. Video should be 24ffp,
so I've got about 6 seconds worth and it only shows 5 seconds @
29.97fps. How do I change it back to 24fps and how can I get is to
show all frames?

I've very new to this, sorry.
2006-06-09 13:17:56 UTC
You should be able to change your fps when you start a new project. Click on
the tab Custom Settings and adjust timebase to 23.976 fps.
That should do it.

Post by Gary
Saw a great lecture yesterday using digital images for TS movies. So,
today I took 150 shots, with 3 second intervals of clouds. I imported
them, checking off Numbered Stills" so Premiere grabbed all 150
Fine, no problem.
But, when I play it back, it seems very jumpy...it's not very smooth
and it appears to skip frames I know are there. Video should be 24ffp,
29.97fps. How do I change it back to 24fps and how can I get is to
show all frames?
I've very new to this, sorry.