Audio Mixer Stuck at -10db
(too old to reply)
2005-11-23 05:19:27 UTC
have tried searching thru FAQ but no results. PPro 1.5 Audio Mixer refuse to let me change the db level of a .wav file at audio track 1. Whenever i try to adjust it to -6db, it automatically shift back to -10db. The rest of my audios in other tracks are fine and normal. Any thoughts? thanks!
Steven Gotz
2005-11-23 14:23:02 UTC
The mixer does not change audio levels of a clip. It changes a track.
2005-11-23 14:30:25 UTC
Yeow, read about Automating audio changes in the Audio Mixer window in the PPro help.

Peter Dörr
2006-02-19 10:44:06 UTC
Open up the sound monitor
select the Write option in the dropdown on track 1
put the playback timeline at the start of what you want to edit
press spacebar to start playing
now click on track 1 slider in monitor and drag it down to -6 AND HOLD IT
for as long as you need.
Press pause and it will write all clip keyframes for you

Post by Y***@adobeforums.com
have tried searching thru FAQ but no results. PPro 1.5 Audio Mixer refuse
to let me change the db level of a .wav file at audio track 1. Whenever i
try to adjust it to -6db, it automatically shift back to -10db. The rest
of my audios in other tracks are fine and normal. Any thoughts? thanks!