Export to Camera [\dev\starsky\MediaLayer\Src\Player\VideoPlayerProxy.cpp-367]
(too old to reply)
2005-10-27 18:49:20 UTC
I'm trying to export my finished video (from timeline I assume) back to my DV camera. Here is the error I am getting:


Windows XP
Canon ZR 200 DV Camera
Adobe PP 1.5

I'm sure this is something I'm just missing. I searched the forums and didn't find anything for this specific error. Hopefully it is not anything too drastic!

Thank you!
2005-10-27 18:59:16 UTC
For what it's worth, here are my EXPORT TO TAPE settings:

Activate Recording Device (check)
Assemble at timecode: 00;00;10;00 (check)
Delay at movie start by 0 quarter frames (unchecked)
Preroll 0 frames (unchecked)

Abort after 1 dropped frames (checked)
Report dropped frames (checked)
Render audio before export (checked)

Dropped frames 0
Status: Ready...

Start Timecode: 00;02;14;16
End Timecode: 00;02;14;16
Current Timecode: 00;02;14;16

I find it odd that all three time codes are the same...not sure how to change that or even what it means!

Back to class!
2005-11-14 00:57:18 UTC
I recently had the same problem on my system. Re-installing Premiere didn't help. I just stumbled across the solution, atleast it worked for me. I discovered that the tan bar along the top of the Timeline was missing. That bar tells Premiere what portion of your timeline you want to render as well as export to your DV device. If it's not there, then first expand your timeline view to show your entire project. Then double-click the left mouse button along the top of the timeline (just below the timecode tick marks). The tan bar should appear and span across your entire project, and you should be able to render and export properly.

I hope it works for you.
